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Junior State Testing Stakeholder Announcement

We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some valuable information regarding state testing for your student this year, as well as provide you with the opportunity to give us any feedback regarding the use of this exam for our students.
• The State of Oklahoma allows school districts to choose between the SAT and the ACT exam for state testing of Juniors. Warner High School has chosen the ACT for several reasons:
o This is the test that the overwhelming majority of our students already use for college acceptance.
o Most students are more familiar with the ACT testing format than that of the SAT.
o The ACT is the college acceptance test most widely used in this area of the country.
• As we have been preparing students for the ACT for years, there will be no change in the district’s instructional programs as a whole. Additional ACT prep materials will be incorporated into the classroom as determined by each teacher.
It will be, as it always has been, our intent to work to prepare each student to be ready, confident, and excited about taking the ACT. We look forward to a great year and are eager to work with your child to achieve success on this exam.
As always, should you have any questions, concerns, or meaningful input on the district's decision to administer the ACT, please use the Google Forms link below to provide that feedback. The link will be open until Friday, October 1.
We look forward to a great year!